The Babes


Don’t ask me why, but I always wanted kids.

In some ways I may have been the prototype for a “modern” woman who considers her career an imperative, and I certainly can’t begin to imagine giving up my (ok: more or less) intellectual and professional pursuits to spend 100 % of my time folding laundry, baking cookies or planning yet another perfect 4-course meal.

On the other hand, I looked forward to the “little things” about having kids.


I remember them snuggling into bed with me, and on Saturday mornings – when I was still knocked out after another late night at the office – transforming my sleeping body into a comfortable lounger while they watched TV in my room. I also remember taking them to the local market as small children, then stopping on the way home for an ice cream or something else good to eat. I remember visits to playgrounds and play dates with friends. I remember making rice pudding (TheGirl LOVES it), or playing games like UNO (TheBoy was terrible at games of knowledge – and an even worse loser).

Me with Sean

I remember taking TheBoy along with me to a seminar along the Rhine, so we could have Thanksgiving dinner with another expat friend and her family there. (Remember that, Dawn?) I also remember taking TheGirl to London and Oxford for her 12th birthday, and seeing the look of absolute horror on her face when she realized I was dragging her to see “Starlight Express” (“You mean they’re going to SING?????” – she ended up loving it, by the way).


Needless to say, they are kidlets no more. TheGirl will be 25 in November; TheBoy will be 23 in April. But as stressful and frustrating (and sometimes painful) as that time of my life sometimes was, I still miss those days when they were “Mommy’s little girl” and “Mommy’s little boy”. I miss their innocence – and the promise it held for all of us.


  1. February 12, 2008 at 2:35 am

    girl u better get u some kids, i have two, although a sigle parent, they are the shit for lack of a better word and make life living…2 me at least

  2. caratime2 said,

    February 12, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    *lol* I think I’m getting two old for the really little ones now that I’m on the other side of the big 5.0! I wish I had had (at least one) more when I was younger though. Then there would be one still not quite out of the nest…

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